Making poems,
not demos

Designing meaningful interaction.

I am a designer specializing in the creation of interactive installations and work that aims to critically reflect technology and society.

Currently, I attend the »Class New Media« led by Prof. Joachim Sauter and Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä at Berlin University of Arts. For Prof. Kora Kimpel I work as an assistant and I help her students to accomplish their projects.

I live and work in Berlin with my lovely dog Polly.

The main challenge is trying to create work that touches people at an emotional level, as opposed to them thinking about the technology or wondering about how was it made.

Making poems, not demos.
By Zachary Lieberman in IdN v19n5

Portrait Joanna Dauner

I love to tell stories

Since my schooldays I love to tell stories. I started to write for the school magazine and later, after the German Abitur, I co-developed a youth magazine prototype for the publishing house »Der Spiegel«. After studying History and Political Science I worked for several tv-production companies as for a musical production company.

By studying Visual Communication at the Berlin University of Arts I discovered »new media« for myself as a further narrative tool. During my internship at Disney Research, Pittsburgh I’ve gained first insights into research of interaction design.

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